Crazy Purple Sweet Potatoes!

Purple sweet potatoes

I found these odd-looking purple sweet potatoes from North Carolina at Whole Foods the other day, and had to try ’em.

Turns out they taste just like, well, sweet potatoes. But they look awesome. And the upside is they don’t leach out their color and dye everything purple like beets do.

Purple sweet potato curryI made these guys into a masaman curry with some onions, carrots, and pattypan squash from the CSA. Delish. I am a HUGE fan of curries that include potato or sweet potato. Something about the rich coconut milk permeating the mealy, tender potato. Mmmm…

3 thoughts on “Crazy Purple Sweet Potatoes!”

  1. Yes! Massaman curry must include potatoes, as far as I’m concerned. They’re the best part of it. I also love cauliflower in massaman…

  2. I almost picked up patty pan squash at the Farmer’s Market on Saturday…but then I was afraid I wouldn’t know what to do with them!

  3. Pattypan tastes almost exactly the same as yellow squash, and you can use it the same way. Cutting it into uniform pieces is kind of a pain though.

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